Valvoline continues to conduct tailgate events across our markets, featuring high-performance team members who serve as safety ambassadors. These events are designed to be relaxed and casual to help increase participation and engagement. Last year, we increased the number of events to extend across the entire year and began focusing each event’s subject matter specifically on the market’s safety performance.
In 2023, we developed our new Safety Scorecard initiative to highlight actionable metrics that each market can use to assess and evaluate safety performance. The scorecards aim to provide additional visibility into the effectiveness of our safety programs and allow markets to better track action items. The initiative will also help tailor in-store safety visits to address safety gaps more directly. We rolled out the program in January of 2024 and hope to share results in next year’s report.
*Our safety metrics are calculated using our fiscal year (10/01/2022-09/30/2023) which is not exactly aligned to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Industry metrics which are for the prior calendar year.
**Does not include franchises
***Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR); Days Away, Restricted, or Transfered (DART); Lost-time Incident Rate (LTIR)